The Wellesley Players - MetroWest's Premier Community Theatre

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Current State of the Wellesley Players!

Dear Wellesley Players Members,

When last I wrote to the membership, we had learned that we must vacate the space we occupy in Allston.  Since then, we initiated a fundraising campaign and explored options for the future of the Players.  The fundraising campaign, while a success, yielded far less than we needed to secure a replacement storage/rehearsal/build space.  With your generous support, we raised just over $5.5K.  Because it is not enough to meet the objective of securing space, we will save the money in an account separate from our operating expenses for consideration of future investment for, or divestment by, the Players.  It was a great showing of support from you, your family and friends, and so very appreciated!

Now, we face the very real task of vacating the space which we currently occupy, no later than February 28, 2017.  Our next steps include:

  • Finding homes for all the inventory of things we have in storage (which include costumes, props, furniture, and tools/hardware/lumber).
  • Identifying volunteers who can support the transfer of the inventory to its new homes (by providing onsite support during pick-ups, et al).
  • Leaving the space as intact as required (the landlord is reportedly demo-ing the space, so this may not involve significant work).

New “homes” for our inventory in storage may include:

  • Members taking items which they have donated or created (e.g. Costumers receiving their own work, or donors reclaiming donated furniture)
  • Members storing things on behalf of the Players and for future use
  • Donating items to other community theater/non-profit organizations
  • Identifying other sources for donated storage and transporting the items

If you are interested in reclaiming past donations or storing items for the Players, please let me know at

Once we vacate the space, the Board can turn its focus to the next steps of the Players.  We currently have no 2017 – 2018 season planned and—with the challenges of no replacement for Allston space and a trend for diminishing returns on our productions—it’s decidedly clear that we will not continue “business as usual”.  Your feedback about the future showed a fair amount of consensus around the idea of going on some version of a hiatus (with a sense that we could do some minor, cost-neutral or profit-making productions.)  The Board will use that feedback to inform proposed plans for the future.

I will be sure you to keep you posted on the progress of that discussion.

Thanks, as always for your support.

 Ken Fisher, President
Wellesley Players